Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 8 - Sleep-in Sunday

Got up at 7 am and looked outside to see if it was still raining.  Nope, but it sure is overcast.  The employees are already out there cleaning out the pools, wiping down the plaza, putting out baskets with towels.  The beach looks spotless so I imagine they have already taken care of it!  Such a clean place....and so many employees working non-stop to keep it this way!

Decided to just go back to bed.  After all, what are vacations for?  I think Kerry has learned the true meaning of rest and relaxation!  This is a vacation!  A trip is when you go visit relatives, or friends, or go tour a new place.  A vacation - when you vacate your life!!!

We ordered room service at 11 am so that should tell you where today is going....nowhere!!!  About 3 pm, we ventured down to one of the restaurants for lunch.  Thank goodness they are open almost 24/7 here!  

I thought I should do the pronounciation of this place - Huatulco.  It sounds like Waa-tool-ko with a long o at the end.  In the state of Oxaca which is waa-sock-ah.  Accent on the second syllable in both words.  Not something you can say real fast!  LOL!!!

I spent some time today learning the most recent lessons from Scrappers Guide, a digital scrapbooking site that I subscribe too....and never have time to play with.  So this is what I came up with today for digital layouts!

Today was a day to teach myself a little more in photoshop and digital scrapbooking, working with very old (ok, yes, the word is VINTAGE) photos of myself and Kerry.  

to see this as a larger image, just click here and then click the magnification button.

And in this one, I learned a new way of erasing what's not needed inside a frame.

What a relaxing, fun day....and I still created a little!

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