Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Uninvited guests

Hey Gordon!!! Ya gotta come to Colorado to do metal clay!!! Gordon lives in Hawaii - he seems to always find unusual things - wonder if he see's this out his back window?

That was one of 2 twin babies that wandered right up outside the window during our Art Clay Society meeting last Saturday. And here's the other twin.

The mamma was on the other side of the fence and the babies were crying out for her.

And look at pappa. Wow! Less than 30 feet away from the window!

While we were inside and they were outside, I think she heard our every move!

Never fear, she gathered her babies up and walked them around the fence before she took off . That's an orchard laden with ripe apples and I'm sure they were having a harvest feast all day long!

If you come to play in Colorado.....you just never know what you're going to find!

1 comment:

di from di-did-it said...

Wow is right! If I saw sights like this out my window, I'd sit at the window all day & never get anything done. lol. Thanks for sharing these photos with us!