Friday, November 16, 2007

Christmas 1958

Most of mom's old photos have been ripped out of albums until they are quite damaged. But this one...not only bent through the somehow managed to turn pink/red over the years!!!

With a bit of editing in Photoshop, I think I've managed to restore it quite nicely. Even the plaid on the shirt matches through the tear!

Photoshop is just so wonderful for giving back memories of things that were forgotten. Now, I can't recall the the walls were pink in that house, so my colors may still be off a bit. I'm not sure dad would have worn a burgandy shirt....but it was Christmas and mom is wearing green (too cute!)

In 1958, Grandma was my age (GASP!) and I swear she looks a whole lot younger than I do today! LOL! Mom and dad were only 28? oldest son is 28! They had 4 little girls, ages 7,6,4 and almost 3....I'm not a grandma yet (thank goodness!) The 2 little boys are our cousins and my 2 uncles are in the photo.

I'm the one looking bored, playing with a book. Colleen is on dad's lap. Elaine is probably putting on play lipstick, I remember we played with that a lot. And April is the cutie in the pink dress.

Photoshop not only fixes fixes memory!


Anonymous said...

Loved the photo--reminded me of "me" at about that age although "that age" was about 10 years before you. Brought some sentimental tears to my eyes because it was so real for me. (And, I had picked you out before you said which one you were.) Love your stories and your excitement.

Jennifer Moore Lowe said...

kathy...just wondering if you picked me out because I was the "bored" looking one! LOLOL! I just never ever liked looking into a camera and usually avoided it like the plague! Wish I had been just a bit more photogenic. Hmm...think photoshop can help the "look"? :o)