Saturday, September 26, 2009

A turn in the road.....a different path.....

Every story has an ending, every ending is the beginning of a brand new story.

That's one of my Lucy McGoo stamps! And today marks the end of TWO whole years of blogging every single day. Ok, I've done a bit more than that...some days I had 2 blogs! 775 total. All about art, my life as an artist, my travels as an artist and my artistic friends.

Over 91,600 visits looking at more than 145,000 pages! Isn't that just amazing???

I've done 11 tutorials on Friendly Plastic, 16 video tutorials, and 36 other tutorials. And I made a DVD with 16 tutorial segments in it! WOW! Thousands of photos, links, designs and ideas have been shared.

To those of you who have read me faithfully every day - my heartfelt thanks!

To all the new friends I have met, in person and online, it has been my honor!

To those I've helped, it's been my pleasure!!!

To all the companies who have sent me product to play with - it's been so much fun!!!

I started this blog on September 26, 2007, with the idea that I was going to write every day for 6 months because I thought I wanted to get published in Artful Blogger. After 6 months, I decided to keep it up for another 6 months. At the end of a year, I decided to continue for another year.

What I learned is that by blogging every single day, I forced myself to create - to make something that I could photo and write about. And then when I did that, I would follow through and submit it to a magazine. So my publication rate the past 2 years has been incredible!!! Well, I didn't make it into Artful Blogger (ok, you all send them an email and complain!) but I've been in just about every other craft magazine!

I thought about doing this for another year....but I think it is time for me to move on. No, I'm not going to end my blog. I'm just going to slow down. So if you wake up to your coffee and my "newspaper" - I know you can find something else to entertain you! I'm not going to force myself to write every day - I will write and share whenever I make something or have something to say. It might well be every day.....but then I might skip a day or so. I just think I need to spend more time playing and enjoying my life.....and less time writing about it!

If you get to missing me - just drop me a note! If I go way too long without posting....let me know! I'm not about to fall off the face of the art world....I'm just taking a turn in the road and going to explore a new path and see where it takes me! For those of you going to CHA - come say "hi" - I'll be in Amaco's booth!!!

My life has been so blessed and I thank each one of you for adding to my joy! Now....stay tuned as the Starving Artist's Playground is just 2 weeks away and there's bound to be lots of fun things going on!!!

Hugs to each one of you!!!



di from di-did-it said...

WO ~ I wasn't prepared for this. I just found you not so long ago! But... I think I understand & I support you. I look forward to enjoying your future posts, even if they are less frequent.

Anonymous said...


Margie Higuchi said...

Hey, Jen! Didn't know you made that kind of goal for yourself! WOW! Congrats for getting this far with it! I will still come visit your blog as you give me inspiration and confidence :0) xo

Elaine A said...

Hi Jen -

I will miss my daily Jen fix! Thank you so much for all your dedicated work to your blog, the tutorials, you blogs that made me stop and think. I will miss reading you every day, but I will be checking for those days that you do blog. So I am wishing good things for you and thank you!

Elaine Allen

Pattyjo said...

I totally understand. You are a favorite, but I totally understand.

~~~ M ~~~ said...

Your blog has been one of the highlights of my Daily Surfing Time. But by the same token, I applaud you for knowing where you need to go next. In reality, MOST people don't have entries every single day. The fact that you did was always amazing to me. I'm so glad you're not "disappearing". I'm also glad you're going to take a few more minutes for yourself. Good for you!
