Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photo collages - final

Years ago, we were all back in Indiana at my aunt's bed & breakfast. It was Sunday morning and Aunt Eleanor sat down to play the piano. Soon, everyone was singing church hymns...everyone except mom. She had her camera and was snapping photos of everyone singing. She went home and started painting. I think she painted every single person that was there....over 20 of us!

She painted my son laughing and singing.....and then took a photo of the painting and sent it to me. I have loved this photo. He was with family. He was singing. He was laughing. He was about 15 years old at the time....and I have held true to the fact that no matter where his journey in life will take him, I know the fun loving, laughing, happy little boy is inside of him....looking for a way out! And so I wrote:

You are the light of my life
You give joy to my day
You're the song in my soul
You're in my heart to stay.

From the day you were born
No matter what's been done
I'll love you forever
Jason, my firstborn son.

Nothing more than a photo, mounted, with my poem. A simple photo collage for sure.

And then there's this photo of Jeff, taken when he was about 2 1/2. I remember that it was a "window" for us. He had so many seizures and would fall down and get bruises or cuts....always on his head and face as well as the rest of his body. I remember waking up, looking at him and saying, "We have to go get photos done today!!!" It was a rare moment when he didn't have any visible signs of his seizures showing.

But more than that, I remember the fear of losing him. The hours that he was unconscious after a seizure, how I daily held him in my arms and prayed for his safety. I just remember my heart aching with love for him and fear for his life. Thinking back to the time of this photo, I wrote:

I used to sing a song to you
Every single night
I'd hold you in my arms
and hug you really tight

Sometimes I'd sing an hour or two
And hold you in my heart
I find I still hum the tune
Though we're miles apart.

And it's so true! I find that out of nowhere....I just start singing the little song that I made up and sang to him all those years ago. I wonder if it's my daily prayer. Although I still worry about both of my boys, I have turned them over to Jehovah. I know that HE alone will keep them safe. But I will always love them.

So, now I have all the photos mounted on the glass doors on the's time to add the final touches.  A rub on sentiment....did you know rub ons work on glass?

A Star of David and snowflake and lots of swarovsky crystals in the center top panel

And rather than use my white pen, I made my dots with heat set crystals on top of the glass....oh!  does this "bling" when you walk by!!!

Well, it took me a couple of days.....but I actually "altered" the bookcase.  And I'm so happy with it...because you can't see the MESS that's inside!  LOL!!!  

Don't worry.  It will all come off with undu if I decide to move the library back to another room!

Footnote: For those of you who read my blog via emails....I have added a link list on the right on the web where you can click and easily get back to each of my video tutorials.

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