Friday, April 7, 2017

The last night

I cannot believe that this is our last night.  The time has simply flown by.  I do believe that this has been the best adventure of my life and I'm so happy we did this!!


Today was our day at the art market.  I didn't buy much, but I had the best time looking.  There are so many talented people here and the market is the best place to find them.  I liked the clef notes and the stars in this booth:


There were 2 glass blowers today


The style seems to be very long, very dangly earrings.  Of course I was looking for short.  LOL!


Interesting glass designs.  At first I thought they were wind chimes, but there's nothing to chime.  They are just decorative.


These birds are made out of very tiny mesh that's been painted.  They fluttered in the breeze - really cool!


Giant necklaces seemed to be "in" as well.  I would never wear this, but I liked it well enough to take a picture of it!  Notice yet another fabric shop in the background?  This is a pedestrian street and the artists set up tables in the street to seek their designs.  The stores on both sides were open.


I fell in love with these dichroic glass pieces.  She did not have the layer of clear glass on top and I think I like that.


This gall had stitched her silk paining into linen and made table runners and pillows out of them.  So clever!


It was absolutely jam packed!


More dichroic earrings.  I am definitely going to fire up the kiln and try to make these when I get home!


One booth had wire sculptures and we both thought this one looked like our brother!


Streamlined, smooth, flat seemed to be what a lot of designers had today.


I liked this gal's designs as well


Pretty sure these were enamel of some type.  Also found a gal who had melted friendly plastic onto glass.  She didn't want me taking photos....but I did like her work.


We are still here all day tomorrow.  We have a cab to the airport at 8 pm.  Our flight leaves at 12:15 am.  We get in to Boston at 4 am, then to Denver around noon on Sunday.  I think we cross 9 time zones.  Our flight from Tel Aviv to Boston is about 13 hours long.  Pray for a safe flight for us.  This truly has been the vacation of a lifetime.  We've met so many new people, made new friends, been "adopted" by a couple of families, and will have stories to share for years to come!  Shabbat has started here and tomorrow, most places will be closed so we will spend the day on the beach.  May you have a peaceful, happy, content Shabbat!

Shabbat Shalom from Tel Aviv!

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