Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pomegranate boy

Today is Shabbat so there are only a few places where we can take photos.  It was also our last walk down David street through the Arab Shuk.  Two years ago, this guy got us to go into his shop.  He told us the story of the pomegranate.  He does have some lovely jewely shaped after the pomegranate.  For whatever reason, I don't really like most of the designs.  Needless to say, every day when we walked by, heinvited us into his shop and we declined.  And he would say, "all that really matters is that you are happy!"

I dubbed him "pomegranate boy". Today, I was wearing a dress and had my hair down and he almost didn't recognize me!!


We walked in and I told him it was our last day and I wanted to shop.  It's a wonder he didn't have a heart attack after being turned down every day for 3 weeks!!!  So much fun!!

I picked these with an outline of a pomegranate...just to remember the fun of it all.  Roman Glass in the center.


And then I picked this pair.  I had planned to buy earrings this trip and I think I'm doing a fine job!


Next, a new driver took us out to Efrat in the West Bank where we had a wonderful Shabbat lunch with an orthodox family.  They had twin teenagers and grandma lived with them.  We talked some about Cotopaxi, but mostly about life here.  It was an amazing time and I fell in love with the whole family.  How gracious of them to invite us this close to Peshach when they are so busy with holiday preparations.  My heart is full of gratitude for these new friends tonight....such an amazing blessing to sit in their home and hear their stories.

Our driver picked us up and dropped us off at Jaffa Gate.  We stopped for our last piece of cheesecake (there have been many!) and we headed back to the apartment.  Just as we started, 2 military guys ran towards us.  Then 2 ran going the direction they came from.  I immediately suspected something was up.  Technology is amazing and as soon as we got back, I learned there had been a stabbing at Damascus gate.  That is at least a mile north of us so we were never in any danger.  But it is interesting to witness how fast the police move when something happens.  

We have cleaned tha apartment, almost finished packing and tomorrow, we head to Tel Aviv for our last week in this great adventure.  NOTHING fits in my luggage!!  Why did I think I could buy clothes, shoes, paint brushes, take a watercolor class....and get it all to fit in??  LOL!!!  Well, I will just have to do a better job of packing for the flight home, but for now, we'll make it to Tel Aviv just fine.  We are heading out just as the flowers are really starting to bloom here.


There were dancers  rehearsing yesterday for an event.  This city is so alive with activity!


I am going to miss Jerusalem so much.  I'll even miss "pomegranate boy"!  But as with each trip here, I will leave a piece of my heart so that one day soon, I will need to come back to collect it.

Oh! Jerusalem!  How I love you!!

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