Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Vacating your life

Someone once told me that when you go on vacation, you should vacate your life.  I have done that!  So much so that it has become a challenge to find the time to write a blog every day.  But it's also become equally important for me to journal what I've done so I can remember where the hundreds of photos that I've taken and not blogged - fit in in the daily scheme of things we've done.

Today was nothing short of amazing - once again!  We started with a climb up to Temple Mount.  Waiting in line I saw poppies growing out of a rock.  Poppies here only have 4 petals.  Pretty sure the poppies in my yard have way more than that.


Up on top, there are numerous caps to columns that have been set aside.  The carvings on these are so intricate.  I would loved to have seen it in it's day.  As with so many things, only the ruins remain.


Ruins below from earthquakes and wars.  The Jews here believe that the  new Temple will be brought down from heaven.  Those affiliated with Temple Mount Institute are preparing the vessels to use in the New Temple.


Today, for the first time, we noticed that this exterior wall was seeping water.  I thought perhaps it was weeping.  Amazing the things you see when you can take the time to look.  And if you are focused on life, you won't/can't take the time to notice the little things like this.


An old olive tree on the south side of the top of Temple Mount.  I can almost make out the letter "shim" in the palm of the tree.


Today, as I stood by the sealed Golden Gate, I found a peace and a calm that I haven't felt in a very long time.  Just so content to be here, to be standing in this place.  It doesn't matter whether I come back or only matters that I am here right now.  That feeling sustained me throughout the day.  Something so special about praying on Temple Mount.  


Then we met with Avi Gamson.  We first met him 2 years ago when Haim took us to Gavot - a school for mostly Down's syndrome children.  Avi has a program where he teaches a form or martial arts.  He showed us a slide presentation of the kids, and then he showed us photos of a intriguing mystery that he wants me to help him track down a person.  I think it will be a fun project and promised to help once we get home.  I always need a new project!!!


We took the light rail up to Ammunition Hill.  A place we had visited in 2005.  Unfortunately, most is it is closed for renovation.  These are the ditches they dug to protect themselves.


The concrete lookout post


Then we found a place for lunch, refilled our light rail passes and headed back.  At Jaffa gate, this young girl was sitting in the arch playing her harp.  The acoustics under Jaffa gate were just perfect. 


That sounds like such a short walk....but it was a little over 5 miles....even with the light rail rides!  It was such an easy walk today because there weren't many steps.
This evening, our landlord and his wife invited us up to their home for dinner.  I simply can't tell you what a perfect location this is.  If you ever come to Jerusalem, please consider staying here.  The view from their balcony is spectacular!


And I didn't fail to notice that I started and ended my day with flowers!


I have truly vacated my every day life back home and am having the vacation of my lifetime!  Loving every single moment!


  1. So happy for you and jealous at the same time! Oh, to be able to vacate everything and just focus on the now!

  2. Jennifer your soul must be so filled! You'll have to give a presentation for all of us at home when you return. Thank you for sharing so many of the places that have touched your heart. Hugs to you, Kim
