Saturday, March 4, 2017

Cousins day

Cousin Mike Brandon met us this morning for a 3 mile walk along the shore.  Well, that was NOT planned.  But we were looking for a coffee shop and we walked that far, gave up, came back and found a place in the next block east of where we're staying.


A pretty typical 7-11 type market here.  


Here's April with Connor and Joe.  I think they may never be the same after a couple of hours with us!  But we definitely had fun.


I'm not sure these guys know how truly blessed they are.  They are traveling for 11 months with their parents and being home schooled along the way.  Just the coolest experience ever.  Connor agreed that he will be way ahead of his friends in geography.  I think after today, he might be a little bit advance in humor as well!



It was great being with Mike.  He is dad's first cousin.  I hadn't seen him since 2002 and April hadn't seen him since about 1971. 


It is absolutely amazing that we met up here in Israel after all this time.  And that wouldn't have been possible without his wife, Jennifer.  


It was a day filled with reminiscing, great food, tons of laughter, a lot of joking around and I hope some good memories for them.  On the other hand, we're just 2 of the hundred thousand cousins that Mike has!  LOLOL!!!

April and I took a walk before we met up with Mike....and then one after we left his family.  The sea here is stunning and the beaches are pristine.


There are new sections of the boardwalk that were under construction 2 years ago.  It's fun to see all the changes in such a short time.


Nothing quite like walking in the sand and water to give your feet a good pumice.  The rolling waves could entertain me for hours on end.


Day 2 in Tel Aviv.  Blessed beyond measure.  Happy.  Tired.   It was such a fun cousin's day!

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