Sunday, November 24, 2013

Simply Amazing

My You Tube videos have now been viewed 802,833 times.  What the heck!  Who looks at this stuff???

I haven't uploaded a new video in 2 years!!!

There are 1,825 subscribers to my channel.  Makes me so happy knowing there are insane people out there just like me!!!

I haven't done a thing to the channel.  No cute banner.  No comments.  Not even an "about".

I guess I have some work to do, huh?

But hang onto your hats….I'm going to do my "Eight Nights of Lights" again this year….starting on Thanksgiving eve!  A new tutorial video every night for EIGHT nights!!!  I think you'll have fun if you follow along, so bookmark the link now!!!  Subscribe if you want the new videos to be emailed directly to you.

Just click here

Just as amazing…..this blog has been looked at 311,077 times.    I have written 1129 posts.

Thanks to all of you who keep reading and looking!  It's so much fun to just play!!!  I'm going to try hard to do a better job of sharing and playing with all of you!

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