Friday, March 13, 2009

Outside the box.....again!

I just have to giggle sometimes! Here's a mountain watercolor scene and if you can look at just the background, it's not so hot. I can see why mom was going to toss it out. But....add a few rubber stamps...trees, grass, flowers....and kids playing in the hills...and it's just not too bad!

I don't know many watercolor painters who would give up their paintings to allow someone like me to stamp on them! And I'm not so sure there are many stampers who would stamp on someone's watercolor painting! But you have to understand....these were going into the trash! LOL! And I really am sort of a recycle queen when it comes to art stuff!

And I couldn't resist the little playground scene on this one. Most of these stamps are from A Stamp of Excellence in Canon City and we took these over and gave them to the owner (Hi! Judi!!!) But I have to say - what a great idea....stamping on trash!

Wonder what you can find in your trash to stamp on!!!

Oh, when I said "outside the box" I meant "in the trash!" LOL!!!

1 comment:

  1. Jen...what a FANTABULOUS idea! I love to watercolor -- but honestly -- am not that good at it...but I would TOTALLY stamp over them in a HEARTBEAT! Love love LOVE it! you're the best at giving me new ideas....thank you!
