Thursday, March 5, 2009

Friendly Plastic Painted Pellet Fusion

I poured Friendly Plastic pellets in little cups, squeezed alcohol ink in on top of them and stirred them up.

And then I took a piece of Friendly Plastic strip and pressed it into mold and pour and made a bracelet blank mold.

Next I poured the pellets into the mold....

And I only used 3 colors...but I'm thinking the more the merrier!

Set them on the griddle with the temp just under 200 degrees and let them melt

It was fun to watch them start to blend together...

and melt.....

and then take them out of the mold when they are cool:

So what are my options now?  

1.  Re-heat on the griddle and run the comb thru them

2. Cut into strips and use in the inlaid technique

3.  Use as is

4.  Back with a strip of Friendly Plastic and make a bracelet

5.  Cut up and use pieces in other art

And what do we call this one?  Melt and blend?  

I haven't even touched the surface of where we can go with this.  Alcohol ink provides a transluscent coloring.  Acrylic paint will give an opaque coloring.  Metallic paints or inks will give us a 4th look.  I'm thinking copper, silver and gold could be a fabulous mix!

And that bracelet blank - I can hardly wait to play with that!  I have ideas to take left over scraps and melt and shape them.  Or how about fracture & fuse with left over scraps and then combed?  I can hardly wait to play!

Sad to say, I took Linda to the airport this morning.  I'm so sad to see her go, but I can't even start to explain the ideas floating around in my head that I want to experiment with.  So as I idea just leads to another, and another, never seems to end!!!

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