Sunday, January 18, 2009


OK, I am only going to do ONE a year....and Aimee got me first! LOLOL!!!! Gosh long have we known each other??? Had I known you had never been tagged.......

My 5 addictions (do I have to limit them to just 5???)

1. Mediums. OK, I used to say Ranger. Before that it was Colorbox. Before that it was Superior. But I truly think I am just plain addicted to mediums, whether it be ink, paint, name it, if it's wet and runs or goes on an ink pad or paint brush...I love it! Of course, I'm a Ranger certified instructor....and was on their design team. So I have a hint of a preference for their products. But I still love Colorbox. And Marvy. And Golden, just doesn't end!!!

2. Paper. If you ever get a chance to go to Scrapbook Your Life! in San will get a hint of what my paper addiction is all about. The store has over 6000 different designs of paper in it. I just drool. What else can I say? Well, yes, I buy as well! But it's so hard when you are in a candyland like that to pick just one. And I don't! I probably have enough paper to last me for 20 years....but I always find a reason to buy more. So now you know why I decorated my entire studio in's an addiction!

3. Dies. Again...I started out with Spellbinders and they are my love. You can't beat the way they emboss....and you can't beat the Wizard for all the other fun things it will do. But I also love my Revolution...and my Big Sizzix and sizzlets, my cuttlebug dies and embossing folders, my Fiskars texture plates....I think when it comes to diecuts...I'm a little past being addicted!!!

4. Organizing. Well...just read my blog. I moved my studio from the upstairs bedroom to the main floor to the basement and now back to the main floor. I love sorting, categorizing, organizing, changing moving, rearranging. Kerry used to travel tons with work and I would always rearrange furniture while he was out of town. Now I just rearrange my studio! LOL! It's definitely made him a much happier guy!!!

5. Photographs. It really is true that a photo says a thousand words. I love scanning in old family photos, enlarging the background and finding "things" that I didn't seein the photo before. I love looking at my sons photos....brings back memories of such fun things we did while they were growing up. Looking at Kerry's granddaughters...I can see a little of him in each of them. So just last month, I started a wall of photos in our master bedroom. Guess what? It's already expanded to a second wall! I think I will just surround us with photos....they bring such happy memories!

Oh my gosh! That's 5 addictions already....I'm just getting started!

OK. I will quit. For now! And tag these 5 fun artists:

Jodi. It's all her fault!!!

Shelly. Her cow stories keep me balanced!

Silly Sal. Because she makes me laugh out loud!

Linda Moore - cause she's my "sister" (but only in name!)

Linda Peterson - because she is awesome!


  1. heehee Jen, no one reads my blog so it's taken a long time to get tagged! bwahahahahhahaha

    Luv ya, lady!

  2. Well, I'm not sure what the tagging is. I guess it is to get people to visit our blogs? Hope so.

    Can't wait to list my additions! Five, right?

    Bummer, my printer of 5 years just broke. It is one of my additions.

  3. Sally - you are exactly right. Tagging has been around for years. I think it was first done in forums and on websites, now in blogs - just a way to get your friends to know you are thinking about them and get readers to see what your friends are up to. I thought they would like your style of art.....because I sure do!!!

    I think a broken printer sounds like a reason to go shopping - which happens to be another one of my addictions! :o)
