Monday, January 12, 2009

Stamping library

Several years ago, dad bought 5 of these libraries. He said there was one for each of his children. I have treasured mine and it has probably been used in every room in the house. So now, it's in my studio and I'm storing all my unmounted rubber stamps in it - yep, about 2500 of them.

I decided to use scrap pieces of leftover paper and do a patchwork "quilt" inside the glass on each shelf. Then I'm going to be adding photos....or rather photo collages to the "frames" that were made by the paper. I've got a couple of them started. This one is 2 photos, one of mom, the other of dad, that I have always loved. I scanned them in, merged them, then changed them to black and white. I just love it!  

On the lower left, I covered a little mini book with leather and stamped the letters "BIBLE on the front, then inked up the leather.  Inside are lots of verses from scripture.  On the lower right, I tore up a card that mom had painted on and made a tiny little collage of flowers, broken bits of jewelry and velvet leaves.  

They taught me how to study so many things.  Religion, art, life.  They taught me 2 Tim 2:15  "you-be-diligent yourself to-stand-along-side approved to-the God, (a) workman unashamed, cutting-straight the word of-the truth." (A Consistent New Testament - Mount Publications where hyphenated words are read as one word)... in the KJV:  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!

    I just LOVE your blog! And all of the wonders you have here!

    I added you in my blog's list. Which your invited to see if you want.

    Hope that there is no problem. Sorry not asking!

