Friday, January 9, 2009

My first Bible

Isn't it amazing the things we keep? Now why on earth did I keep this? Given to me at school in 1961....but it's just one of those things I cannot throw away. Why? Well, I remember the excitement and anticipation of waiting for this Bible. It was like you were getting "promoted".....the adults trusted you with a was your very had to take care of was a passing of age. And I remember waiting anxiously for that day to arrive....when they handed out our Bibles in school.

So rather than keep it tucked away in a box, I decided I wanted to add it to my wall of art. Is this wall ever going to be done? LOL! Well, all I can say is that I am having a great time pulling out things that have special meaning....that I think will inspire me to create even better art....and that will be a joy for others who come to visit.

I took apart a clear acrylic frame, made a new back using chipboard.  The little angel is a Lenox ornament and she fit just inside the Gideon Seal - so the gold sort of looks like a halo. 

And then I made a little sign with the inscription that I had written on the front page  inside the Bible.  It must have been important because I even put down the date that I got this Bible!

It is old, worn, and falling apart.  So I must have read it a lot.  I remember taking it to school with me every day for the rest of that year.  How fun to take something so precious from my past and add it to a wall that I will look at every day.  My wall of ART - you're going to want to make one for yourself!!!


  1. Sounds like this is going to be an on-going project for a while, but I absolutely can't wait to get over there next week and see all this in person. Might just inspire me to work on my own "wall of art" a little.

  2. Trust me, the wall will be all done by Sunday!!! Just a couple more things.......and my workspace will be clean.....and everything put away.....and all the drawers labeled.....and oh! I can dream, can't I? LOLOL!!!!!
