Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary. A typical day in our lives - we woke up and Kerry had a bad cold and I said, "OK, I will NOT be kissing you today!!!" LOL!!!

Traditionally, we are supposed to give each other gifts of wool or copper this year. Hmmmm - I think I'll pick both!! We've been married for 7 years. I keep telling him I'm waiting for him to get the "seven year itch" and he keeps replying, "My arthritis is so bad I couldn't scratch a thing!" Oh, he does make me laugh!!!

Guess I'll keep him another year!!!

I used Amaco's copper and heat painted it. Then embossed it, then sanded off the embossed areas to bring the copper back to the candles and flames:

And then I knitted a tiny little rug out of wool - using copper tubes as I don't have tiny knitting needles. OK, I probably won't do this again....but it's perfect for this card. I left 1 copper tube in and twisted the ends to hold the knitting in place.

And I wrote the poem:

You've kept the candles burning bright
Thru thick and thin, both day and night

You give me hope, you bring me light
You are my love, my soul's delight!

Happy Anniversary

Who knew copper and wool could be so cool??

PS - He loved the card!!!


  1. Jen -

    What a beautiful card and a wonderfully perfect poem. Congratulations on your Anniversary and may you have many more! My husband and I just celebrated 36 years of marriage on Tuesday, Dec. 30th. We got married when I was 18 and he was 19. I think I'll keep him, too hard to train another one! Only kidding, he is my love and my best friend, even after all these years! I wish you both lots of happiness and many years of joy together.

    Elaine Allen

  2. Of course, he loved the card--YOU made it especially for him. And, the poem fits for sure. I hope the poem will help return him to full health. The whole production deserves a frame.

  3. Happy Anniversary Jen and Kerry. Hope you're enjoying a peaceful and restful evening. Hugs to both!

  4. Happy Anniversary, and many more. What a stunning card!
    I'm off to try another of your ATCs now :)

  5. Super Duper Congrats! We just celebrated our 25th! whooo hooo! Just love what you did w/the copper and yarn GF.

  6. I am stunned!!!!! That is absolutely BEAUTIful!Priceless for sure.

  7. Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!
    Saftey Net
