Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where did time go?

It is nearly impossible to imagine that Jason turns 30 tomorrow! Where on earth did my life go? And don't even tell me I'm old....I still think I'm the 30-year-old! LOL!

This pic was taken last Thursday. He has grown so tall, so healthy. I've written his story before, but realizing that 20 years ago, when he was 10, his doctors said he would be dead in 2 years....all I can do is praise God that he has turned into such a healthy young man, free of all meds! So much for listening to the doctors! It was a long, hard struggle and there were moments when I wondered if we would ever make it. Health is such a priceless thing and if you've never had a chronically sick child...well, just be thankful!

1 Tim 6:12: Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou are also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Jason, we fought the good fight. We won the battle of your health. And it is through my faith that I lay hold to eternal life.

I love you son!



  1. How I loved reading your closure Jen "I love you son". I think it is important to say this to our children as how old they are - never let them lose sight of the fact that their mothers love them.

    What I really meant to say was "handsome lad - Jen"

  2. Thanks Neet! My mom turns 78 in a few days and she STILL tells me that she loves me! And it still feels good! :o)

