Thursday, December 4, 2008

Weigh-in Thursday

Down a pound and I haven't weighed since before we had Thanksgiving dinner - so I think that's amazing!

This week's recipe find was a total surprise as I just didn't think we would like the combination - but it turned out scrumptious! Again, from one of my WW cookbooks:

Skillet Sausage casserole - with my modifications.

1 6 oz pkg Uncle Bens long-grain & wild rice (microwave type)
1 link low fat sausage (I used Healthy Choice - spicy Italian) cut up in thin slices
8 oz pkg presliced fresh mushrooms
1/2 c chopped green onions
2 1/2 c water
2 sm chicken breasts, skinned, cut into cubes
1 pkg chicken noodle soup mix ( dry, like a pkg of Campbell's)

Cook the rice in the microwave and set aside

put sausage, chicken, mushrooms, onions in large skillet and cook til the meat is cooked. I chopped up the mushrooms as I cooked them. Why? I'm really not a huge mushroom fan, but if I can't see them, then I will eat them! LOL!!! Add everything else, bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Stir occassionally. No need for any other seasonings.


The original recipe calls for cheese and doesn't use the chicken. But Kerry has developed an intolerance to cheese (I may die!) so I made the swap and it really turned out great. Sort of chicken-meets-sausage-meets-rice-meets-noodles medley. Oh! and just 5 points for 1 cup! We had leftovers the next day!

I truly don't mind experimenting when it comes to crafts.....but it scares me to death when I experiment with food! This one turned out great! We're trying 2 - 3 new recipes a far, still only 1 flop!

Kerry is refusing to get on the scales today. Hmmmm......did he eat too much pumpkin pie last week? LOL!

Elaine & me, c early 1960s

1 comment:

  1. this sounds quite tasty - both hubby and I gained weight on our trip to Australia - so we too are on the wagon! thanks for the recipe
