Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh what fun

it is to knit on a freezing winter night! (OK....sing along with me!!!)

Woke up this morning to no heat. Temp inside is down to 52 degrees inside and -18 degrees outside. Brrr....we are in the middle of the worst arctic snap in Denver's history! Go figure! Gas company is on it's way out now. No gas coming into the house. But we have loads of back up space heaters and kerosene heaters - good thing we go camping!!!

I'm drinking hot chocolate and writing today's blog early....just in case my fingers get too cold to type! LOL!

I have so much left over fibers from the scarves I've been knitting....that I decided to make little scarves for Kerry's granddaughters....and their American Girl Dolls. This is "my" doll - I keep her as a model and for when the girls come to play, but isn't this scarf just too cute?

I used 4 skeins on a 17 needle and 3 stitches across....took about 20 minutes to knit the whole thing!

The matching scarf for the 7 year old is 6 stitches wide, same fibers:

And I made one for the 2 year old - this one is 4 stitches wide and 3 skeins on a # 17 needle.  

I couldn't make for the kids and not their mom....her's is really quite gorgeous.  Lots of gold metallic fibers.  Almost 4' long (I am really liking extreme length in scarves these days!)

And I will give one that I've already posted to Kerry's daughter.  So everyone gets a new scarf!   And I just boxed up one for his sister and his neice.   That takes me back down to 2 scarves left for me....and I still haven't given a scarf to one of my sisters or my own sister-in-law and niece.  Guess I will just have to knit more this week!!!

I've still got loads of scraps - anyone need a scarf for an American Girl Doll?  I'll send you the fibers!  LOL!!!

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