Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let it Snow! (6 point snowflake tutorial)

We had 6" of the white stuff yesterday! The kind that sticks to pretty! But do you know that every single snowflake has SIX points? NOT 8!!!

Gorgeous, aren't they?

Why did we start making 8 pointed snowflakes? My thoughts? Because God makes His with 6 points and we seem to be doing everything in our power to exclude God from everything we do, everything we create.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 And I truly believe the philosophy: "though he may stray from the path, no one may remove him from it."

I learned as a child that snowflakes have 6 points.It simply astounds me the number of people in this world who do not know that!!! And I refuse to use 8 pointed snowflakes - they are fake!   I think God made them with 6 points to make us think of Him.... because I see the Star of David in each one of them.  It is His way of reminding us what an amazing artist He is - because it's 2 snowflakes are exactly alike!

How to make a 6 pointed paper cut snowflake:

take a piece of priner paper and fold the corner over to make a square

Cut the right bottom end off:

Turn the paper so it looks like this:

Then fold it in half, right over left:

Next, you will fold the right 1/3 over to the center like this.....

And then fold the left 1/3 up over the top.  It will look like this when you are done:

Next, you want to cut the top straight across - removing the 2 points that stick up:

When done, it should look like a long triangle:

That's the base that you start with every single time.   Next, sketch a pattern onto one side of the triangle.  I used the flourishes from yesterday and just traced around them:

Then cut out the traced design:

Open it up for a gorgous snowflake.   Now, while this is gorgeous....and it is based on 6's a little more round than a real snowflake would be.  But a really great start for learning snowflake design!

Next, I took a little felt snowflake from Creative Impressions

The design comes from 1/12 of the flake, so I cut that portion out:

And then I sketched the design from that 1/12 of a flake onto my paper - enlarging it, of course:

When I cut it out, I thik I got a pretty close resemblence even though I did add and outer layer to the star:

I could sit and cut snowflakes out all day long!

I doubt I would ever do 2 that are exactly alike!

The possibilities are beyond endless!

Just so much fun!!!

And again, when you put them all together.....WOW!!!

And another one!

So, once you get that perfected...(that was using 8 1/2 x 11" paper) downsize.  Here's a great embossed dinner napkin:

I cut it into quadrants and then pulled it apart so I just used one layer of tissue:

You could use tissue, kleenix....something thin so that the tiny folds are easier to do:

And then make your cuts!

And yep, this is another prep for 8 Nights of Lights!  Are you ready???

1 comment:

  1. I can't figure out how to make one of those star of David 6 pointed star snow flakes. I think you have a real talent for making snow flakes. Have you ever tried origami? You might be good at that too. :)
