Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eight Nights of Lights - Night 8

Tonight might be considered an evening of penance. A time to think reflectively about your life's path - and what changes you might want to enact.   I'd like to think of it as a chance to ask I following His design for my life?


David wrote, "The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear?"  

On this Feast of Dedication,  I understand what David wrote more than ever before in my life.

In Revelations:  "The night will be no more.  They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light....."  

May we light the lights for 8 nights to remember the past....and to pray for this day in Revelations to come quickly.

David also wrote:    "....You are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness." 

In my darkest hour, I have never once doubted that He was my light.  These verses were taught to me as a very young child.....and they have stayed in my heart all these years.  

And in Psalms:   Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. 

It is His word that I have hidden in my heart, it is His Psalms that I sing in my soul, and it is in His design for my life that I share with you.

May you always see His design in every moment of your well as in each snowflake that falls.  May He become the light in your life, not just for 8 nights, but for every day and night.

And finally, on this 8th night of lights, if I could wish you anything, I would wish this song for you:

Make my life Your temple
L-rd at this season start
To pull down every idol I have raised up in my heart

On this Chanukah
On this Feast of Dedication
I dedicate myself to You

Take my defiled altar
Come and cleanse and come repair
So every time I falter I can run to meet you there

On this Chanukah
On this Feast of Dedication
I dedicate myself to You

And with every candle on the menorah
That illuminates the night
Comes a prayer You'd kindle
In me, Yeshua
A desire for Your fire, for Your light

Make of my mortal body
A house worthy of Your name
Rid me of what's ungodly and every hidden thing of shame

On this Chanukah
On this Feast of Dedication
I dedicate myself to You

And with every candle on the menorah
That illuminates the night
Comes a prayer You'd kindle in me, Messiah
A desire for Your fire, for Your light

Take my supply of oil
Not enough to burn long I fear
But, oh, how I pray I may one day say,
"A great miracle happened here!"

On this Chanukah
On this Feast of Dedication
I dedicate myself to You

My Yeshua, I dedicate myself to You.

by Marty Goetz (he played in Denver this morning and I had the thrill of hearing him live!!!)

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