Sunday, December 21, 2008

Eight Nights of Lights - Night 1

Welcome to my Eight Nights of Lights - ATCs that are fun, creative, and maybe just a little something different!!! Now, you can make these any size you want! Go for a card, a tag, a page....but I like to do my samples on little ATC sized rectangles- just 2.5" x 3.5" - they don't take up much space and I think they are cute!

I'm still learning how to create videos, but the intent is that you can pause this whenever you need, back up, repeat...and just play along at your own pace! In the video, I created a card size sample - But my ATC is here. There are just so many fun things you can do with this technique!

Just click on the arrow to start the video tutorial. On the bottom right of the screen, click the second from the right button and the video will expand to full screen. You can also double click inside the video and that will take you right to where the video is a little larger!

Opals come in lots of wonderful colors and are available at After Midnight Stamps. If you don't have Opals (trust me, you want them!) UTEE or any thick clear embossing powder will work. Diamond Glaze and Glossy Accents will give you a similar look. If you don't have a melting pot, try a double broiler (you know, a pan over a pan filled with water on the burner). Try parchment paper in lieu of a non-stick craft sheet. My snowflake stamp is from After Midnight as well. I use Amaco's lightweight Art Emboss Pewter. But glossy silver paper would give you a similar reflective background.

So why Hanukkah if I'm not Jewish? Well, the word Hanukkah is Hebrew for "dedication". The festival of lights is held to celebrate the miracle of the oil lamps ....but it is also a celebration of the determination of a people to defend their right to worship in their own way without interference.

Hanukkah is not in the Bible, but the Feast of Dedication is. Christmas is not in the Bible either. My belief is that Jesus was raised Jewish so He most likely would have celebrated the Feast of Dedication. We know He didn't celebrate Christmas. And we know he was not born on December 25, but most likely in late September or early October! So, if I'm to celebrate at this time of the year - let it be about dedication, about remembering a miracle of lights, about honoring the Jews who to this day strive to defend their right to worship in their own way.

Each night, for 8 nights, may you remember why the Messiah came....and why He is coming again.


  1. Once amaze me! I don't think I tell you often enough, thanks for the inspiration. You've woken my create juices again and I appreciate it! Hugs to you...

  2. Fantastic Video. Now I know what Opals are and how to use them


  3. Wha!!!!!!!! I was watching the 1st night video and it quit halfway thru...then I got a message that the video was no longer available!!

    I liked what I saw but would LOVE to see the rest of the video.

  4. You can always go to youtube and view it:

    Hope you enjoy it!


  5. Jen, I'm getting the "We're sorry, this video is no longer available." eessage on You Tube, too. Perhaps they've removed it for some reason. I know they've done it with "controversial" news or "pirated concert stuff". I know you aren't a pirate...but you might be considered "controversial"...after did tell the kids to put M&M's in elli poo...LOL!!!

  6. ME??? Tell the kids to put M&Ms in ellie poop? ME??? LOL!!! I just went to youtube and I can see the video just fine. Hmmm.....maybe it's only a problem in Texas! :o)

  7. that's just plain WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!! Must be a Texas problem!!! I just tried it again and got the same message. POOP!!! and I don't mean ELLIE poop!!!!

    All the other videos played just fine. I'm at a loss as to the problem...guess I'll never know the end of the story....gonna go cry myself to sleep...booohoooo!!!

  8. WOO HOO!!!!!!! Doin' the HAPPY DANCE in TX!!!!!!!!! I tried the
    1st night video again today and it WORKED!!!! Guess it thought I was in Kansas today...LOL!!!

    Jen, thanks for the help last night and thanks for the always your creativity amazes me!!

    Hugs and God Bless!!
    Barb A

  9. Great video, Jen! Looking forward to trying this technique. Could you also colour some metal with alcohol inks and then coat it with UTEE?

    I adore your Hanukkah series. It's how I first discovered you.
