Monday, November 24, 2008

Copper Quilting

Kelly was here on Saturday and taught all of us how to quilt on copper. It is so cool! A little like pewter repoussee, but a litle different.

We attached themto old pieces of wood and added some wire and beads:

On Sunday, I did a second one using a Lucy McGoo stamp.

Who knew you could color copper with watercolor markers? Very cool!!!

I need to go hunt for old wood. I could sit and do copper quilting all day long! I think the knitting has gone on hold! This last one will be on display at the shows that After Midnight Stamps does in 2009 - just showing other uses for rubber stamps!

Linda left about 4 pm today and should be back in Arizona by now. I can't thank her enough for spending the last 4 days with me. It's been incredible!


  1. Makes me even sadder that I couldn't be there Sat. - love the copper quilting, especially the two with the coyote! Retreat, maybe?????


  2. More ohhhhhhhhhhhhhs and ahhhhhhhhhhz....beautiful! hugz
